Our Programs
Please let us know in advance if you need help with childcare and we will be more than happy to accommodate you!
(760) 256-3733
Domestic Violence Victim Support Group
You are not alone. Social support encourages healing and hope. Find resources, acceptance, empowerment, and peace of mind.
Monday 1-2 Men's Group
Tuesday 3-5 Community Group
Wednesday 2-4 Spanish
Friday 1-3 Community Group
For the summer we will host:
A Window Between Worlds For Youth
Art in the Afternoon
Starting June 8th through July 27th
Thursdays 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Systematic Training for Effective Parenting.
Ages 0-6 (7 Weeks) or Ages 6-12 (7 Weeks)
Create more satisfying, productive relationships with your children.
Early Childhood STEP gives you the information and practical skills you need to help your children from the start.
Helpful techniques to improve family communication.
Effective discipline strategies to promote both self-esteem and mutual respect…and more!
New classes start every 7 weeks Wednesdays from 2:00pm-4:00pm
Attending each class in one segment is required to receive a certificate.
A Window Between Worlds-Art Transforming Trauma
Using Art as a healing tool empowers and transforms individuals and communities impacted by violence and trauma.
Tuesdays 1:00pm-3:00pm
Strategies for Success
You can do it! Nourish your mind, become positive and successful. Motivate yourself!
Thursdays: 10:00am-11:00am
Financial Health
Why am I not rich? Manage your money instead of your money managing you. Financial health is within your hands!
You need more than just financial tools to change your future. Try a new perspective. Learn dynamic methods to take charge of your money and make it work for you.
Get out of debt
Love your budget
Build your savings
Plan for your future
Save for college
Buy a home
Wednesdays 10:00am-11:00am
Enamórate de Ti!
Un grupo de apoyo en español: Sanando y fortaleciéndonos juntos contra la violencia doméstica y cultivando una autoestima saludable.
A Spanish-speaking support group: Healing and strengthening together against domestic violence while nurturing healthy self-esteem.
Wednesdays 2:00pm-4:00pm
Just Breathe
Find healthy ways to cope with stress. This group is geared towards people looking for healthy ways to cope with stress. Not just the current stress (which WILL be over some day), but with stressors we all experience at some time in our lives.
We will be learning and practicing deep breathing techniques, learning about mindfulness, relaxation techniques, and healthy coping skills.
Tuesdays 3:30pm-4:30pm
The L.I.F.E Plan
Remember when you had dreams for your future?
What is stopping you from realizing those dreams?
The L.I.F.E. Plan at Desert Sanctuary, Inc. is designed to help you reach the future you imagined. You can learn to:
Set Goals
Access supportive resources
Explore educational readiness
Achieve a greater level of independence.
DSI can offer incentives to gain self-sufficiency including:
Bus passes/Gasoline cards
Educational supplies
Child safety items
Emergency assistance
…and much more! With guidance and encouragement you can begin to flourish! Your life, your goals your future! It all starts today!